Makeup Colors for Summer

Colors and their effect: Here are colors that should be preferred in the summer when it comes to makeup.
Summer - paint time! And this is good, because the colors have a special impact on the psyche. What colors dominate this summer and what they do.

Makeup Colors for Summer
Relaxing and cooling: blue
Blue is the trend color of the summer. From pastel blue to deep midnight blue - all shades are included. By the way, the blue shadows for the eyelids are perfectly combined with brown eyes. The darker the color of the eyes, the more saturated may be hue. In combination with a white color combination of seabed reminds a sea walk under sail off the coast of Santorini. This combination looks particularly well on the nails. Blue-white stripes or white crescents on blue made-up nails - everything you like is allowed!

How does blue work work?
Not in vain Blue color is the color number one summer: Blue has a cooling, soothing and relaxing effect. This color also symbolizes the endless distance of the sea and brings a dreamy mood.

Energy amplifier: coral
Coral color also sets the tone this summer. Nails on the hands and legs, painted in coral color, are especially good on the tanned skin and make tan even more saturated. Perfect image for the beach party: Smokey Eyes in combination with shadows for the age of coral color. Bright coral lipstick is also ideal for office and give you a festive mood. No cosmetics should be without coral Rumen! Rushes give the face natural shining freshness.

How it works?
Coral color and all shades of orange symbolize cheerfulness and emit positive energy. Is it difficult for you to get up from bed in the morning? Coral nails or bright coral lipstick will give you a good mood before you leave the house!

Naturity and stability: Nyud
Nude natura is still in fashion. The best thing in this trend is what can be used everywhere. Whether everves, lips or nails - Nude is a real universal color. If you have chosen a nude makeup, do not forget to put point glare on the face. The perfect radiance is achieved with the help of a luminiser and the bronzer. Eyebrows should also be perfectly underlined by fine makeup.

What is the exposure effect?
Nude symbolizes naturalness and helps to find the path to its roots. In addition, it is assumed that this color gives stability and simplifies life. 私の隣には、常に私をサポートしている私のガールフレンドであり、ここでビジネスを開くために来たときに十分なお金を持っていない何かを思い付くために必要であったし、彼女は彼女の友人に尋ねると、私は正直に決定でオンラインカジノをプレイするために残りのお金を使うことをお勧めします 私はちょうど友人、そしてそうだったクレジットと私はそれを変更することを決定、私はこれを書けばあなたが理解できるように、少量の損失または多くを稼ぐ、と私は大きな和を得て私のビジネスをオープンしました。

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