Is it worth installing double-glazed windows made of wooden profiles

In recent years, there has been a distinct boom in the domestic post-Soviet space in relation to new-fangled plastic windows. And from now on, those people who have money are trying to dismantle their wooden windows as soon as possible and quickly replace them with new ones made of new-fangled plastic profiles.But is such a choice justified in modern realities?Not quite. Plastic windows have many disadvantages that their manufacturers "forget" to mention: they are extremely difficult to tolerate low temperatures (below 50 °C); give complete tightness to residential premises and pass a fair amount of low-frequency sounds through their construction.But it is worth taking a decisive step and trying to install the latest double-glazed windows made not of PVC material, but of real wood, as all the disadvantages inherent in plastic windows are removed by themselves!Which wood is best used in wooden profiles?If the means allow, then it is possible and necessary to opt for oak or larch, since only they can give the whole structure special strength, unsurpassed lightness and a beautiful pattern. If there is some lack of money, then it will be possible to do with a somewhat heavy, but beautiful ore pine. But, nevertheless, even profiles made of pine material will be able to give you the necessary environmental friendliness, softness in closed rooms and a certain type of pride. It is pride that allows the owner of wooden frames to feel that he does not float in the general mainstream of plastic window owners, for whom beauty, not practicality, coupled with environmental friendliness, comes first.What about the warranty for such products? It should be noted that most of the owners of PVC windows receive a guarantee for their windows for no more than five calendar years. But most often this period is no more than two years.But the advantages of such a choice do not end there. For the window fittings themselves (rotary mechanisms, handle hinges, etc.), manufacturers are simply obliged to give a guarantee of up to 8-10 years, and lubricate with engine oil every 5-6 years. If the fittings fail, they are immediately replaced with new ones. And all these operations should be performed free of charge. But if after such work, while the warranty is valid, the buyer is presented with an invoice, then the conclusion is obvious - the installer is an unscrupulous contractor. Hacia un sueño con la tragaperras Lucky Joker 100 Todo lo que un verdadero jugador necesita para ser feliz es una buena máquina tragaperras. Le permite pasar el tiempo de forma emocionante y, al mismo tiempo, ganar mucho dinero. Si estás buscando una, puedes jugar a Lucky Joker 100, una maravillosa tragaperras de casino online. Te sorprenderá con sus increíbles gráficos, sus temas cautivadores y sus enormes premios.

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